Atlanta Film Photographer Greenhouse Session | Noi Tran Photography

Yesterday on the gram I shared a small handful of my favorite from this greenhouse session with Elizabeth (from last year) and thought I should go ahead and blog on it! Why haven’t I blogged on it yet?

It’s good timing also since we’ve been ‘sheltered-in’ (I prefer this term over quarantine) going on week two now. Guys, last night it finally hit me. Like it actually sank in. Week one wasn’t too bad cause I’m so used to staying home. I did miss some of the small conveniences like getting a specialty coffee but now that we’re in week two and I want to get more baby related things done, I was suddenly filled with an overwhelming sadness. “Is this for real? How long is this going to go on?” Other thoughts flooded in and the one that brought me to tears was that the simple joy of picking out baby clothes, feeling the texture and imagining my baby boy in this tiny outfit is no longer something I can go out and do. So down came the tears. I told myself there’s other and bigger things to worry about but that made me even more sad (just cause I was worried about buying clothes). It isn’t so much as the clothes, I know, there’s online. It’s the experience. I never really got to do these things with Jordan. I got lots of hand me downs, which is totally fine, but everything went by so fast. I was a full time student and worked part time and never shopped for Jordan. Everything was given to me by family members.

It seems the ones who are staying in and helping to flatten the curve are few. There are more people downplaying the covid19 situation and lots more believing America is overreacting. This situation isn’t just about the individual. It’s about everyone! It affects everyone. Our responsibility is to protect those who can’t fight the virus. So even if it doesn’t hit you, think of OTHERS! Think of the healthcare workers who are busting their butts caring for those who are sick! The sooner people comply, the sooner we can get back out there. It was just for two weeks guys and now, it keeps getting extended.

Okay, I’ll get off my soap box. Back to the post. This greenhouse session comes at the perfect time because it reminds me of the good times when freely being able to just go out and shoot. And I try to reassure myself that I’ll be able to do creative projects soon! I’ve had quite a few projects leading up to the stay-in restriction but exploring new places and getting to shoot is one of my favorites.

The greenhouse over at Emory is completely shut off to explorers. People would sneak in, and that’s what we did, and I know, tsk tsk tsk. I’m definitely a responsible shooter but it’s not even us photographers! Since there’s so much trespassing they’ve completely tighten security there and closed up all the entryways. This was my first and only time exploring the abandoned greenhouse and I LOVE this session. Elizabeth killed it, like always.

Greenhouses and gardens have a way of making you feel serene and calm. So yeah, good timing cause we are definitely living in uncertain times and serene is far from what I’m feeling, but I’m trying! I sincerely hope all you guys are taking the best care and that we remain safe and well. I look forward to hanging out with friends again and in the mean time, I’ll pull out my photography journal and take notes on the next project for when all this is over.

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